Terms of personal data protection


We inform you that the administrator of personal data is the company AMARO atelier s.r.o., reg. No. 210 30 243, with registered office at Mezírka 775/1, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic (hereinafter also referred to as the "administrator"), phone +420 723 305 581, e-mail: shop@amaroatelier.com.

Personal data is processed by the administrator of persons who have purchased goods on the website www.amaroatelier.com (hereinafter also referred to as "buyers"), to the extent of:

  • first and last name,
  • e-mail address,
  • delivery address,
  • telephone number,
  • data about buyers’ orders, which are in particular data about the goods buyers ordered, the method of delivery and payment, including the payment account number and data about complaints.

Personal data about buyers is processed due to a legitimate interest in the fulfillment of the purchase contract concluded by the buyer and the administrator and which concerns the delivery of goods purchased on the website www.amaroatelier.com, as well as due to the fulfillment of legal obligations in connection with the performance of business activities consisting of in the sale of goods on the said website by the administrator.

The administrator does not need the buyer's consent for the aforementioned processing (and any expression of disagreement thus has no effect), as the processing is necessary for the above-mentioned reasons. Providing the above-mentioned personal data is not mandatory, however, if this data is not provided, the administrator will not conclude a contract with the buyer (or the order form will not allow the buyer to place an order).

The recipient of personal data is the administrator. Personal data may also be made available to the company Shoptet, a.s. (IČ 289 35 675) and the company Apple Inc., where personal data is stored for the purpose of ensuring the functionality of the online store and for making it available via remote access for the administrator's needs.

Personal data are kept for 5 years after the end of the contract for the purpose of solving any subsequent matters (e.g. complaints) regarding the already terminated contract.

The administrator informs that the buyer has the right to request from the administrator access to personal data relating to the data subject, their correction or deletion, or restriction of processing, and to object to the processing to the administrator, as well as the right to data portability. Furthermore, the administrator informs that the buyer has the option to file a complaint regarding the processing of personal data with the supervisory authority, which is the Office for the Protection of Personal Data, with headquarters in Plk. Sochora 27, 170 00 Prague, Czech Republic (more information is available on the website www.uoou.cz).

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